Your test results are below:
Your Complete
Metabolic Ratio Test Results
Let’s jump right in! So there are two parts to your Metabolic Ratio.

The first part is what we call your Preset Level

It tells you where you are and what strengths you have. You can think of it almost like a personality type for your metabolism

Then the second part of your Metabolic Ratio is what we call your Master Key

Now, our Master Key tells us where we should focus first to get the best results. 

So if you’re not currently where you want to be with your weight or your health, your master key can unlock and open the door to your goals. 

Your Master Key is crucial to your success. And once you see your Master Key and how it works, a lot of your challenges will make so much more sense…

Because when people use their Master Key and reset their metabolic ratio… 

Suddenly everything changes for them. They notice things like…
  • They’re no longer confused about what to eat because they know exactly what their unique metabolism wants. They now have CERTAINTY
  • ​And suddenly they can now lose weight without the struggle they’ve been dealing with for years -Which means no more of the endless yo-yo dieting cycle.
  • ​They even get rid of the stubborn fat (especially in those “trouble areas” like the belly, hips and thigh areas)
  • ​Then they easily balance their hormones so they have complete control over how they feel and the results they get
  • ​And they also tend to have more energy and say they feel almost like a new and improved version of themselves
So right now you’ll see…
  • What foods YOUR metabolism loves. And, what foods may be causing disruptions to your metabolic ratio        .(now these can be foods you’ve been taught in the past as “healthy," so pay close attention to that section because many people aren’t aware of what foods are actually causing them issues.)  
  • ​And finally you’ll see how resetting and optimizing your Metabolic Ratio can rev up your metabolism so it starts working FOR you instead of AGAINST you 
So there’s a lot to cover about your specific results. Most people take detailed notes during this so they don’t miss a thing. So grab a pen and paper if you can.

And while you’re doing that let me take a quick second to introduce myself so you know who I am… 

So my name is Kalli Soelberg and I’ve been helping people for almost 10 years to fix their metabolisms and their health, so they lose weight, regain control, and transform their lives.

I’ve worked one-on-one with thousands of clients from around the world and I’ve seen just about every situation you could think of.

And with all that one-on-one work, it’s given me an insider’s view into what works, what doesn’t work, AND I’ve found the big reason why some people hit their goals, while others don’t. 

And let me tell you, it’s not genetics, or age, or any of the more common things most people think of.

I’m going to show you the patterns I’ve seen working with thousands of people, and how to use them to finally get to your goal.

Also, it’s important for you to know that years ago I started with my own struggles. I was in a situation much worse than most people. It wasn’t that I had the most weight to lose, but the major health issues I had, put me in a very tough spot. 

But my struggles turned into a blessing because it forced me to figure this all out so I could share it with others. And that’s why I’m talking with you today. 

Now I’ll save that story for later because we want to get into YOUR results

So the first part of your metabolic ratio is what’s called your Preset Level. And there are 3 major types, and several sub types.

The 3 Major Preset Level Types Are...
  • The Responder
  •  The Steady
  •  The Natural
You can also think of your Preset Level like a personality type of your metabolism. And the questions you just answered have shown me a lot about your Preset Level… 

Now YOU’RE unique because your answers indicate that you have a few traits from more than one of the 3 types. 

But there is 1 major type that stands out from the rest which I’ll cover in a second. 

Now the second part of your ratio is your Master Key

It’s probably the most important part of your ratio. And once you see yours you’ll see why. 

But before we dive into your Master Key…

Let me give you a sneak peak into your Preset level and the amazing things it can tell us about you. 

Now most people don’t know this but our metabolic ratio reveals a lot more about us than just our metabolism. This is because our ratio is made up of hormones, pre-hormones, and a whole host of other factors.

Our ratios even influence our personality, AND our personality, in turn, influences our metabolic ratio. Which means you can learn A LOT about someone by knowing what his or her metabolic ratio is.

So what’s your preset level?

Well your answers indicate that you most closely identify with...
The Responder
Now Responder types like you tend to be more open minded when compared to others.

Your open and trusting nature makes you naturally curious and you tend to focus deeply on things you find important in your life.

Your answers also indicate a person who is selfless and tends to put others first.

This can leave you wondering, "When will it be time for me?"

And Responder types do VERY well when they take a bit more time for themselves.

In fact everyone around them benefits because they start to give others the BEST of themselves, and not just what's left of themselves.

Your answers also indicate a person with a tough outer shell but also a sensitive side.

Which means you can put on a tough show outwardly, but deep down inside you have a sensitive center.

And this sensitivity is a GOOD thing.

You have compassion for others and it shows.

This sensitivity has also allowed you to develop a great sense of intuition.

And when you trust yourself and your innate sense of intuition, you make very good decisions.

Which leads you to take action on things important to you, seeing it through to the end.

Which means you're definitely NOT a person who's lazy. 

You are a natural born action taker, but your answers indicate that, at the moment, you might be feeling unsure of what direction to go in.

You also show signs of currently looking for change because you've grown tired of the status quo. 

In fact, based on my experience, you have several answers that tell me you might be on the verge of making some very big personal changes that will open up all sorts of new possibilities for you.
Now that’s just barely scratching the surface. 

And what you’ve just read tells you how powerful our Metabolic Ratio is and how much it can tell us about ourselves... and what we need to do to get the results we want. 

You are truly unique. 

And that’s why all those cookie-cutter diet and exercise programs don’t work. They aren’t tailored for YOU and your Metabolic Ratio type. 

Which probably explains why the obesity epidemic is exploding, even while we have more diets and exercise programs than any other time in human history. 

In fact, there are more than 2 NEW diet books published PER DAY

2 per day! 

Yet as a society we are gaining more and more weight, and struggling to keep it off. 


Because those diets and exercise programs are just a band-aid. 

They might work for a little bit (if you’re lucky enough), but then the weight comes back. 

It’s not until we know about our Metabolic Ratio and what our metabolism WANTS that we’ll get lasting results

In fact, to see exactly what I’m talking about, watch this short video
Pretty surprising right? 

So you can see that if you don’t fix your metabolic ratio first, no amount of diet or exercise will ever get you to your goal.

So how do we know our Metabolic Ratio has a problem? 

Well, some signs include...
  • Cravings
  • Stubborn Fat
  • Low Energy
  • Mood issues
  • Weight rebound
  • Weight loss stalls
A Ratio that needs aligning can also lead to stress and sleep issues

In fact, remember this saying: “If you’re not controlling your ratio, your ratio controls you.”

So let’s get back to you. 

Let’s go a little deeper into your results…
Now remember YOUR answers indicate that your Preset Level is the Responder Type. 

Now the Responder Type has a lot of good things going for them.

Now because you're a Responder type, I know you're most likely a very selfless person.

You give a lot of your time and attention to those you love and care about.

Your friends and family see you as someone they can always go to for help.

Now this can lead to some difficulties because you are usually spending more time caring for others than yourself. 

You put the needs of others in front of your own.

But, I've found once Responder types do focus on themselves, they not only see fast results, but they also increase their happiness and energy.

Which in turn allows them to be more effective at helping those around them!

So being a little so-called "selfish" will allow you to actually help MORE people.

Now interestingly, I find many Responder types often times grew up in a home that really looked down on wasting food.

And as kids it was common they weren't allowed to leave the table until their plate was clean.

Now Responder types have usually tried several diets or exercise programs that haven't been right for them.

Which might have left them feeling a bit frustrated. 

But they can feel good knowing that any failure only occurred because those programs weren't right for THIER type.

It also means they are often unaware of their true, hidden potential.

And you're no exception!

Your answers indicate a lot of potential for success.

And based on my experience, once you get just a few things in place, you'll see much faster results than any of the other types.

It's just a matter of unleashing your true potential.
Now let’s go even deeper into how to use your metabolic ratio and what your Master Key is.

So, there are the 3 main sections that determine your metabolic ratio. And if you want to change it, this will help you to see how. 

So 20% of your ratio is made up of diet and exercise. Think of that like the surface level stuff.
Then deeper down, the middle 40%, are your hormones. And the foundation 40% are your pre-hormones

Now think about this, almost every diet and exercise program out there, they only focus on the top area, on that small 20% section. 

Now can you see why those programs aren’t very effective? 

Because this area is only 20% of your metabolic ratio. 

It’s just 20% of your results! 

So even if you ate perfectly and exercised endlessly, you are still fighting against the 80% that you can’t see. 

This is the reason why I struggled to lose weight for years. I was focusing on the wrong area. 

Are you starting to see why those past diets didn’t work?

So let’s analyze your Master Key

Your Master Key is THE key to getting the results you want because it tells you where you should focus first. 

So how can this simple test figure out all this stuff about us? 

Well if you know where to look there are tons of clues that indicate what’s going on inside of us.
Here’s just one example. 

So right now look at your dominant hand. Then, look at your pointer finger and ring finger… 

Now notice which finger is longer… 

Why do this? 

Well by doing this you can find what’s called your 2 Digit:4 Digit Ratio. Or "2D:4D"

So what does this tell us?
Well studies have found if you’re RING finger is longer than your pointer, that means you got more testosterone while in the womb. 

And if your POINTER finger is the longer finger, it means you got more estrogen. 

And if they’re the SAME you got about an equal amount of both. 

Now testosterone and Estrogren are both hormones.

And many people don’t know this but hormones and pre-hormones control our bodies and can tell us a lot about ourselves. And by knowing your hormones you can know a lot about yourself and what your metabolism needs to lose weight, have energy and to feel like your best self. 

In fact, recognizing a few simple signs like this can be even more accurate than taking a blood test. 

And I’ll get into more specifics in a second, but just know that if you’re not where you want to be with your health or your weight, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to stay there. Quite the opposite. 

Because by looking at these clues we can find where your SOLUTION is.
Now get ready to write this down, it’s important. 

So according to your answers, they indicate that your Master Key is
The Root Master Key
Which means the Root area is where you should focus on first in order to get the metabolism you want.

Here’s why... 

If there is a block in a certain area of your metabolic ratio, it will block most of your results and keep you where you are. So we need to get rid of the block before we do anything else.

In fact remember this saying, “if it’s in the way, it IS the way.” 

I’ll repeat that because it’s important, “If it’s in the way, it is the way.”

And by focusing on your Master Key, you can unlock a faster metabolism, see more progress and finally get the life you want.

So, people with answers like yours typically see best results when focusing on the Root area of their ratio.

Now the Root Master Key is special because it’s the foundation of everything. And because it’s the foundation of everything, when you remove a block in this area, you will see the fastest results and success compared to the other Master Key types. Which is great news for you. 

Because even though it may not feel like it yet, you have so much locked up potential just waiting to be released. And once we release it you won’t believe how fast you see results.

Now when you have a Root Master Key there are several subtle signs. One of the most common ones is stress. This is caused by too much cortisol being released. 

Cortisol is a hormone and it’s something we need, but if we get too much or too little of it, we start to have problems. And cortisol issues lead to other hormones being imbalanced. 

In fact, some people with the Root Master Key describe having a feeling of being “Tired, but Wired.” Meaning they feel stressed-out and wired, but also run-down. 

It’s like a car trying to run on an empty gas tank. Often times people with Root Master Keys have busy lives and never seem to have enough time for themselves. Mostly because they are usually very generous people and tend to put other’s needs first. Which means they often put off dealing with their own stress. 

Root types may also struggle with calming down before bedtime, like getting a second wind that keeps them up late, OR, they’re fighting to stay awake before bedtime because they feel so exhausted. 

And often times even after sleeping they never quite feel rested in the morning.

These issues can also occasionally cause intense sugar or carb cravings. And those cravings are your metabolism trying to tell you something.

Other signs that may occur are belly fat, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or even sometimes skin issues like breakouts. Now, do ANY one of those signs I mentioned sound familiar? 

Now you may be experiencing several of these signs, or maybe just one or two of them. 

It’s also possible that you haven’t seen the bulk of these signs yet. Which can mean your body is overcompensating elsewhere and most signs haven’t yet shown up. Which is good news, you can AVOID the more serious issues.

Either way it means that your key to unlocking a better metabolism is in the Root area

And once you know this, you are now one step closer to finally getting the results you want. So what causes issues in the Root area and how do we reverse them

Well it’s most likely things like Metabolic Disruptors, metabolic signals that are wrong for your type, as well as a few other things we’ll go over.

Now the Root area is known as the pre-hormone area, which is the foundation of all of our hormones. 

By having a blocker here it can mean that your pre-hormones aren’t being used properly, which can then lead to issues with your hormones, which influences how you feel, which then influences your cravings, how much energy you have, and on and on.

So by removing this block you’ll find life suddenly transforms for you. Your hormones are balanced, you feel great, your cravings are under control and you have limitless energy.
So now you know a little more about where you should focus first. 

But, how do we do that? 

How do you fix your blocks and rev-up your metabolism? 

How do we give you more energy, hit your goal weight and then stay there? 

Well you do that by using these 3 shifts...
  • Identify Your Specific Metabolism Boosting Foods 
  • Identify And Avoid Your Specific Metabolic Disrupting Foods
  • And Lastly, Use The Right Metabolic Signaling 
So first, what foods are best for your metabolism to start to boost it?
Root Metabolism Boosters
  • Pro & Pre-biotics
  • Flax Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Dark Chocolate (70% cacao minimum)
  • Basil
  • Sauerkraut
  • Bell Peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Salmon 
  • Tuna
  • Eggs
So those are some foods that your metabolism type loves. You may want to write them down.

Now eating boosters will help a lot. But without avoiding our disruptors we won’t see the best results possible. 

And disruptors are hiding everywhere. Remember, disruptors were the red stuff you saw in the water earlier in the video. But once we remove our disruptors, we can start to boost our metabolism naturally.

So what are some possible disruptors for your specific metabolism type?
Root Metabolism Disruptors
  • Most fruit juices
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Canned Green Beans
  • Soy products
  • Margarine
  • Shortening
  • Sneaky Sugars (coming up)
Now those are just a few related to your Master Key type. 

But there are some disruptors we should ALL avoid. 

Some of them include things like MSG, BHA & BHT, BVO, Phosphates, Sulfites, TBHQ, etc.

Now please don’t feel overwhelmed or feel like you have to memorize this because all this information is on your Fabulous 5 Metabolism Cards.

(If you somehow found this test and you don't have your cards yet, go grab a set if they're not sold out. You can find them here: Fabulous 5 Cards!)

Now let's cover one more thing that's just as bad as disruptors...

They’re called Sneaky Sugars.

And they’re called that because food manufacturers literally sneak sugar in our foods

Instead of calling it sugar, they call it things like Corn Syrup, Brown Rice Syrup, Dextrose, Maltose, Maltodextrin, and on and on. 

In fact, there are over 45 names for these sneaky sugars! 

And unless you’re a food scientist, you probably won’t recognize them on the label.

But in your Fab 5 Cards is the full list. So keep this card with you while shopping!

Now there are some disruptors hiding in beauty products as well. Also, even some of the boosting foods, if we don’t buy them right, can be covered in pesticides that cause metabolic disruption, as well as serious diseases.

So right now you may be feeling like I did when I first learned all this. 

And that feeling is frustrated!

Back then it seemed like eating right for my metabolism was just too hard!

And at first it was. There was literally no road map to follow.

But for the sake of my metabolism and my weight, I spent years researching the best foods, the worst ingredients, and how to make eating right easy.

Then I took some of my research, my lists, and I simplified it so that people could at least get start. I made these little “cheat sheets.”

And those cheat sheets are what are now called the Fab 5 Metabolism Cards.

So read them over, use them, and let us know what questions you have.

But I do know that some people want FASTER results and more help.

Because the cards are helpful, but there's only so much I could put on them.

So if you want FASTER results, and to see results literally in just a few short days...

Then make sure to take your craving test ASAP here: Craving Profile Test
So why take the craving test?

Well according to your test results cravings are a major metabolic signal you should be looking at.


Well because our metabolism is literally telling us what we need to do to boost it and see better results.

And those signals are our food cravings.

For example, if you crave sweets, or carbs, or savory foods, or salty foods we know EXACTLY which foods your body needs to boost it.

AND we know how to push those disruptors right out of you.

Because think about this...

Now you know how to avoid disruptors because you have the cards but...

What do you do about your metabolism that is already disrupted?

Well the next step is to do a Disruptor Detox. Or what we call The Jumpstart.

So if you haven't already done the Metabolic Jumpstart, that's the first place to start.

Because it takes your exact metabolic signals and then gives you the EXACT foods your metabolism is asking for.

These foods are called your "Antidote" and "Absorption" foods.

And these 2 types of foods are CRUCIAL to boosting your metabolism, getting more energy, and aligning your hormones.

And since you're a member of our group and have the cards you get a special VIP discount so you can do the Disruptor Detox. (but it does expire in a few days so make sure to check it out soon)

But even if you're not sure, go take the craving test because it will tell you your 4 most important foods for YOUR situation and YOUR metabolism (this is 100% customized to YOU)

So you can see your Antidote and Absorption foods by taking this short test: Craving Profile Test

So that's it for now. We'll be updating you with more information and help so you can reach your goals.

And of course come jump into the group and ask your questions. I'm always here to help!
~Kalli Copyright ©2019 | All Rights Reserved


The Metabolism Coach
125 E Main St, Suite 101
American Fork, UT 84003

Copyright © 2019

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