Which means the Root area is where you should focus on first in order to get the metabolism you want.
Here’s why...
If there is a block in a certain area of your metabolic ratio, it will block most of your results and keep you where you are. So we need to get rid of the block before we do anything else.
In fact remember this saying, “if it’s in the way, it IS the way.”
I’ll repeat that because it’s important, “If it’s in the way, it is the way.”
And by focusing on your Master Key, you can unlock a faster metabolism, see more progress and finally get the life you want.
So, people with answers like yours typically see best results when focusing on the Root area of their ratio.
Now the Root Master Key is special because it’s the foundation of everything. And because it’s the foundation of everything, when you remove a block in this area, you will see the fastest results and success compared to the other Master Key types. Which is great news for you.
Because even though it may not feel like it yet, you have so much locked up potential just waiting to be released. And once we release it you won’t believe how fast you see results.
Now when you have a Root Master Key there are several subtle signs. One of the most common ones is stress. This is caused by too much cortisol being released.
Cortisol is a hormone and it’s something we need, but if we get too much or too little of it, we start to have problems. And cortisol issues lead to other hormones being imbalanced.
In fact, some people with the Root Master Key describe having a feeling of being “Tired, but Wired.” Meaning they feel stressed-out and wired, but also run-down.
It’s like a car trying to run on an empty gas tank. Often times people with Root Master Keys have busy lives and never seem to have enough time for themselves. Mostly because they are usually very generous people and tend to put other’s needs first. Which means they often put off dealing with their own stress.
Root types may also struggle with calming down before bedtime, like getting a second wind that keeps them up late, OR, they’re fighting to stay awake before bedtime because they feel so exhausted.
And often times even after sleeping they never quite feel rested in the morning.
These issues can also occasionally cause intense sugar or carb cravings. And those cravings are your metabolism trying to tell you something.
Other signs that may occur are belly fat, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or even sometimes skin issues like breakouts.
Now, do ANY one of those signs I mentioned sound familiar?
Now you may be experiencing several of these signs, or maybe just one or two of them.
It’s also possible that you haven’t seen the bulk of these signs yet. Which can mean your body is overcompensating elsewhere and most signs haven’t yet shown up. Which is good news, you can AVOID the more serious issues.
Either way it means that your key to unlocking a better metabolism is in the Root area.
And once you know this, you are now one step closer to finally getting the results you want.
So what causes issues in the Root area and how do we reverse them?
Well it’s most likely things like Metabolic Disruptors, metabolic signals that are wrong for your type, as well as a few other things we’ll go over.
Now the Root area is known as the pre-hormone area, which is the foundation of all of our hormones.
By having a blocker here it can mean that your pre-hormones aren’t being used properly, which can then lead to issues with your hormones, which influences how you feel, which then influences your cravings, how much energy you have, and on and on.
So by removing this block you’ll find life suddenly transforms for you. Your hormones are balanced, you feel great, your cravings are under control and you have limitless energy.